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I'm a visual effects artist. The new possibilities of the

kinect and open source programs have intrigued me.

To have a device that can capture motion and 3d scans without markers or other equipment is truly amazing. I want to share my experiences with others in this truly remarkable phenomena.


The information on this site deals with the different

programs available for the kinect and some of it's uses. This site can be used as a resource for researchers, artists, hobbyists, and programmers to cull information about the kinect and utilize available programs for their projects.

The kinect community is truly gigantic, and, I believe will grow and create amazing visuals and interfaces for the computer.

This is the place to network and learn.

Who we are

 This is an opportunity for developers to exchange information in an open forum. Some of the most exciting development is being

created on the Kinect, a consumer device for the Xbox that has captured the imagination of programmers and artists worldwide.
The Kinect is capable of capturing performances without markers or motion capture suits. It's also capable of scanning objects and entire rooms
in real time, creating 3d data on the fly. The developers of software for this exciting technology have presented their demonstrations at SIGGRAPH 2012. Much of the software is based on open source code, readily available on the web.



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